How It Works

How It Works

Step 1 - Understand why each topic is so important by starting with the Psychoeducation section. Each module in Before the Next Step was chosen because of how it influences the future of a relationship. Having a base knowledge of what each topic entails and why it is formative to the relationship is key.

Step 2 - You'll read through each statement in Conversation One and answer if you agree, are unsure or disagree. You'll develop this answer with your partner(s). If you have different opinions on the answer, have a conversation on why. Conversation One is meant to give you initial insight on how aligned your relationship is in each of these areas.

Step 3 - Score your answers from Conversation One in the Scoring Rubric. Your results will fall in to one of three score ranges, which will then inform which path in the course to take. We also provide a Flow Chart to give you an overview of your path according to your score.

Step 4 - Depending on your score, your next step can include any of the following: practicing coping skills individually or together, diving in to our Hot Spot Videos, having deeper conversations in Conversation Two or connecting with the Relational Exercises. Whatever your path, we are here to guide you along the way.

Reminder! This course is not designed to be done in a day. You and your partner(s) can choose to complete one or all ten modules. We encourage you to start with a topic that feels most important to your relationship and go from there!

Each Module Contains...

  • Psychoeducation: At the beginning of every module, we explain why this topic is central to the growth and longevity of your relationship.
  • Conversation One: Eight statements that represent the topic within each module (e.g. Living Together, Sex & Intimacy, etc.). You'll answer these statements together by marking agree, unsure or disagree. 
  • Scoring Rubric & Flow Chart: Once you answer the statements from Conversation One, you will score your answers. The scoring rubric will shed light on how close, far apart or somewhere in between you and your partner(s) are on this particular topic. 
  • BTNS Score Sheet: Where you can record your total scores for each module.
  • Hot Spot Videos: We break down typical hotspots (areas of friction or conflict) that normally come up in a relationship within topic.
  • Conversation Two: You’ll experience increased understanding, empathy and insight with Conversation Two. These questions are multi-layered, with challenging prompts, which allows each partner to talk in detail about how they think and feel about specifics related to the topic.
  • Self-regulation Coping Skills: Skills to practice individually to help you regulate strong emotions. These coping skills will help you understand what you are experiencing, and how you can regulate physically and emotionally, so that you can re-engage with a partner when things get tense or tough.
  • Process Coping Skills: Exercises to help you and your partner(s) process through thoughts, feelings and behaviors. These skills will help you examine what's happening and navigate future conversations in a different way.
  • Relational Exercises: These are activities designed to enhance your relational connection and work through potential areas of conflict in each topic.
  • Resources: Further your knowledge and find extra support in the resources we provide at the end of the course.

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